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This is the less formal and more personal extension of the g3 Studios website. This blog is intended to be a place for random thoughts on Life, Work, Love, and Play.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Putting things into Perspective!

What started out as needing a break turned into needing some perspective. My entire life had become overwhelmed, inundated and overtaken by my business. The problem was that on many levels it was actually getting too big and I felt the pressure to let it keep growing which was turning into ridiculous time lines, bid wars, over bloated projects, and ego driven decision making.

I took a deep breath and a short hiatus and really examined what it was I enjoyed about this business and which aspects were important to me. Once I answered these questions truthfully things started to sort themselves out.

On top of all of this, I recently saw a news story in which a very good client of mine suddenly lost their home to a fire! The house was valued at 1.6 Million dollars and declared a total loss! The fire was beyond control within 15 minutes! 15 minutes. A blink of the eye. It takes me longer to update this blog.

Despite the value of the house and all of the belongings, I know that the most important thing in the world to them besides the safety of the family is their two dogs, which got out safely. So in their mind they didn't really lose much in the grand scheme.

How many people really hold those kind of true values and would so easily see how lucky they really were in the face of such tragedy and heartbreak?

It's clients like that, people like that who really inspire me to see how lucky I am everyday.


Magic Brush said...

This business can take over your life and on many levels it has mine as well. When I'm not working I am thinking about working and when I am working I am thinking about how I would rather be with my husband and 3 kids. There seems to never really be a "day off"... and with the economy as it is... I feel even more pressure to stay "ahead of the curve". I hope you got some good rest... you obviously got some good perspective. Nice to meet you.

LULU wanderlust said...

Its so great to see that there are other painters out there or entrepreneurs who feel them same way everyday.
Your work becomes your life, your baby. You can bleed for it so unconditionally that some days you wake up dry and lost.
You don't think about those days when you begin. Its all so exciting the creating of this dream that one day you wake up and realize you can no longer just create you have to sustain.
I feel that this realization becomes a breaking point for so many. We all have to evolve with our companies and our passions. You either acclimate to the new levels or dissolve with the dream.
I've acclimated and am still struggling to find the work/life balance. Yoga seems to help.
I am so glad to hear that you are acclimating as well!
Never give up!