Welcome to the g3 Studios Blog!

This is the less formal and more personal extension of the g3 Studios website. This blog is intended to be a place for random thoughts on Life, Work, Love, and Play.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Slowly but surely!

Today was the official first day of the studio having it's doors open to the public! A whole one person came through the doors and it turns out they were looking for the law office upstairs:(
The good news is that they came in and didn't hesitate to ask for the law offices which must mea on some level we looked like a professional business and not someone's living room! Hey, I've got to find the silver lining in something.

Anyway, it's a start and like all great things you have to get through the bad to get to the good. Tomorrow, 2 whole people might come in and who knows, maybe one will be looking for a good faux finisher!


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