Welcome to the g3 Studios Blog!

This is the less formal and more personal extension of the g3 Studios website. This blog is intended to be a place for random thoughts on Life, Work, Love, and Play.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

To Blog or not to Blog!

This is about the point that I think most newer bloggers start wondering if it's really worth the effort. When inspiration has worn off a little and you're worried you'll start sounding like a broken record. This is a business blog so I try to refrain from negativity and personal musings, so it limits my content somewhat. I promise to try and keep this as interesting as possible but if anyone has anything specific they were wondering about or wished I'd address, feel free to add a comment or suggestion. I never take critique personally so don't be afraid. I'll also try and post some more pics of current projects and fun things. I know that adds a lot to the visual interest of the blog.

So here's to keeping up with this blog and hoping it finds a voice of it's own someday.

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