Welcome to the g3 Studios Blog!

This is the less formal and more personal extension of the g3 Studios website. This blog is intended to be a place for random thoughts on Life, Work, Love, and Play.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Monday

Starting the week off is always a little slow going. I can honestly say that I love my job and actually look forward to it and Mondays still suck! I don't know how the people do it when they hate their jobs. Must be why people vacation a lot.

Anyway, we're in the home stretch of trying to get the showroom up and running by this weekend and I for one will be glad when we get there. I am getting really sick of spending all of my free time over there. We will be doing a more formal opening in a few weeks when we've had a chance to catch our breath and will let everyone know all about it when we get it all planned.

Lot's of stuff to do today and I'm already late so off I go. I'll try to get a work in progress pic posted of the space soon.


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