Welcome to the g3 Studios Blog!

This is the less formal and more personal extension of the g3 Studios website. This blog is intended to be a place for random thoughts on Life, Work, Love, and Play.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Marketing! Marketing! Marketing!

I feel like this is all I think about! I learned a long time ago that the marketing you do today determines if you'll be busy six months from now. I don't know if that's ever been truer than right now.

I am so sick of hearing about how bad things are in the economy! I try to make this blog a place of positivity so I won't get hung up on this for too long but when this election season is over and the world can try and return to some sort of normalcy I'll be thrilled. I honestly think that election years tend to show a slowdown in my work because all people hear about during this time are the negatives of the world. That's the one nice thing about not being rich, I don't have nearly as much to lose!

At any rate I have been marketing like a madman for the last couple of months and I hope it pays off. Most of my efforts have been done digitally because it's a little friendlier to my budget to do things online like this blog and my e-newsletter. Speaking of which I have to get cracking on this months newsletter before I fall behind. We'll be talking about the holiday season and the need to plan ahead.

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